Colvin Park

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In November 1926 the Orange Leader wrote “the triangle plot of ground at the intersection of Bathurst Road and McLachlan Street is rapidly assuming all the pretensions of a park. The Council’s employees have converted an eyesore into what will be, when finished, a pleasing addition to that end of town and visitors from places to the east who come by road will form a somewhat better opinion of the gateway to the town than when the area was a dumping ground for rubbish”

“The turning into a garden park of this piece of ground is one of the first steps of Council’s town beautification scheme. The garden plots in Lords Place are coming on well and it should not be long now before the Byng Street plots are put in hand”.

In Council’s regular report in the Leader on 3 May 1929 it was recorded that the triangular allotment had been transferred into Colvin Gardens (now Colvin Park) named after the Mayor, Dr Arthur Edmund Colvin. An ornamental lamp and entrance pergola were donated by Dr Colvin and the Mayoress.

  • Notes for a history of Orange compiled by John Miller (1995-1997). Unpublished.
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