Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll

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Coronation Tree – the only permanent reminder of the historical occasion in Orange – was planted in an ideal spot in Robertson Park at 10am yesterday by the Mayor, Alderman John Percival (Jack) Jaeger, assisted by the City Council’s curator, Mr D F McFarlane.

The impressive little ceremony was attended by a number of residents, including representatives of Orange Apex Club and Orange and District Scottish Association, both of whom have displayed a keen interest in the introduction of the tree, which should grow to become an important link in Orange with the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll.

The Mayor, following his planting of the healthy young English oak – now eight feet high and which eventually should reach a height of 50 feet – said: “The planting of this tree this morning was brought about by the Central Western Daily, because none of us had thought about such a thing until it had been suggested in an editorial in the local newspaper. “It seems a peculiar circumstance that, after this centrally situated park, which has been thickly planted with trees and shrubs, a band rotunda, Cenotaph and a memorial fountain, down along the years, we should be able to select a most important and picturesque spot for the planting of this tree. We could not have got a better position for it.

“With the threatening weather on Monday, and the announcement that today would probably be a wet and miserable one, it would appear that the Queen’s wishes had been granted – and prayers answered too – when she had asked for her people to pray for her. “I have never seen a more delightful day in Orange on June 2, and I feel that all prayers have been answered when – as far as Orange is concerned – we are able to celebrate the coronation of the Queen in such brilliant sunshine, and I feel that today she will be officially starting her wonderful career under most favourable circumstances.

“This Coronation Tree will always present a significant atmosphere so far as the children of Orange are concerned because, in years to come, they will be able to say, ‘We remember the day when that tree was planted’. For them it will denote a memorable occasion,” the Mayor said. He thanked those present for their attendance, and Mr McFarlane, especially, for the interest he had displayed in connection with the tree and its planting.

- Central Western Daily, 3 June 1953